Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Lower Gas Prices to Come!

Hooray for the United States of America! Finally a sign of good things to come! Right after the New Year started AAA released a statement that said, “America can expect lower gas prices in 2013 thanks to increased oil production and lower demand.” I think that is something to celebrate on more than the finish and starting of a new year! Unfortunately with all good news there is usually an if, and or but. If there are refinery fires, pipeline closures or major hurricanes prices are most likely not going to drop.

Prices in 2012 were at a record high of $3.60 and are predicted to drop at the beginning of summer to as low at $3.20 before rising up again before gulf coast hurricane season in August.

This will cause millions of American’s to be less stress when it comes to financial situations. A little extra cash in your pocket can go a long way. Hopefully with 311 million fingers crossed no if ands or buts will occur and American’s can take a big sigh of relief as they conserve.

Original Article; http://www.businessinsider.com/aaa-lower-gas-prices-in-2013-2013-1

Monday, 7 January 2013

Home Heating Safety

Having a home heating system is most of the time a necessity in certain parts of the world even though at times they can be dangerous. Always remember safety first because accidents can be prevented.

·         Have a working smoke detector on every floor of the home, ideally near bedrooms.

·         If you have fuel burning appliances in your home make sure you have a working CO2 detector

·         Keep space heaters three feet from flammable items like furniture or blankets. Turn the space heaters off when leaving a room or going to bed and never leave a space heater unattended. Try to only purchase space heaters with an automatic shut off and a guard around the heating source.

·         Always have a licensed contractor inspect your furnace annually and replace air filters every 30 days.

·         Do not use an oven or stove as an alternative heating source. Turning on burners and/or opening the oven door in order to heat a home can be dangerous and sometimes deadly. When operating a stove, turn pot and pan handles inward so children cannot grab them. Never leave food cooking unattended.

·         Clean fireplaces annually in order to avoid creosote buildup. When operating a fireplace, make sure it has a screen in order to contain stray embers. Keep all combustibles three feet from the fireplace.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Benefits of drinking water

Everyone has that part in their day when they know a snack is needed. Whether you’re in the middle of a meeting or you’re starring into your fridge at home; mid way between lunch and dinner is a stomach growl telling you to feed it. But recent studies show that hunger is often confused with thirst. Knowing this fact could help you quick scrape a few pounds by stopping mid day snacks.

Not only does water boost your immune system and keep you looking young but it helps you lose weight. Drinking water can help with work outs by keeping you hydrated. A recent study showed that dehydrated people did fewer reps and felt tired faster when they were exercising causing them to end their workout faster than normal.

Also, drinking water with lemon throughout the day helps many people feel less bloated which is why many restaurants offer a lemon in your water sometimes even without having to ask.

Water is generally one of the easier and cheapest drinks to purchase, getting in the habit of having the suggested amount per body type daily is a great way to help get in shape, look young and feel great!